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Month: June 2019

How Long Does It Take To Recover Completely From Plastic Surgery To The Face?

Wrinkles, sagging skin, loose skin, and deep creases, are some of the facial aging issues that can be improved with facelift surgery in Beverly Hills. Facelift surgery is a cosmetic procedure that tightens your skin for a more rejuvenated and youthful appearance. This procedure is becoming more and more popular for people aged 55 years or older. But why exactly do you need a facelift surgery?

Do I Need a Facelift?

Most patients have lots of questions about facelift surgery. Am I a good candidate for the procedure? Do I really need a facelift? The best way to know if you are ready for this procedure is to learn its potential benefits. The following are some of the benefits of facelift surgery:

1. It helps Redefine and Tighten Your Neck

Usually, as we age, our facial skin begins to droop, wrinkle, and sag. Sometimes, especially for women, these changes can make you feel as if you look decades older than you actually are. The most common complaint raised by many patients about their aging facial skin is loose skin on their necks or under their chins. They will use phrases like multiple chins or turkey neck to describe the embarrassment they feel due to their fatty saggy chin and neck area. If you’re one of them, then you don’t have to worry as this is just a minor issue that can be corrected with a facelift.

During the first consult with a facelift surgeon, Robert Kotler MD and his staff will show you numerous before and after photos of his previous clients. During the consultation, your concerns and desired results will be addressed and our professionals will work tirelessly to ensure your needs are met.

2. It Tightens Up Sagging Skin.

As we also get older, our skins begin to sag. While rubbing anti-aging creams on your face might work at first, they will soon become ineffective in countering the effects of aging. When you find a skilled cosmetic surgeon for facelift surgery, he or she will remove the excess skin on your neck and face and tighten your facial skin. The results will be a rejuvenated youthful appearance without a pinched or tight look

3. It Gets Rid of Deep Creases.

Deep lines and wrinkles can make some Beverly Hills residents lose their confidence. Aging usually results in the loss of tissue structure and volume that makes your neck … Read the rest

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Using Technology To Ensure Successful Invisalign Treatment

While there are numerous ways to straighten crooked teeth, Invisalign is actually the only option that doesn’t involve wires and brackets. Invisalign allows the wearer to eat, work, eat, and engage in social activities worry-free, while giving them a perfect, beautiful smile.

 Invisalign also has many other benefits such as flexibility and comfort and flexibility. In this article, we have put together the main benefits offered by Invisalign.

1. Virtually Invisible

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign trays are difficult to notice! They are so clear that they can’t affect your smile. This makes them a great option for teens who want a beatiful smile without the unsightly wires and bracket of conventional braces.

2. Absolute Comfort

Invisalign appliances are made of polyurethane resin making them more comfortable than conventional metal braces. Also, there’re no extruding or sharp edges and the appliances are usually customized to fit your mouth and teeth.

3. Cleanliness and Good Oral Health

Invisalign appliances are usually removable, meaning that you are can remove them to brush your teeth then return them back in. You can also clean the aligners themselves. To ensure there’s no build up of food particles, just remove the appliances and brush them usinh your toothbrush.

Unlike traditional braces which are hard to clean, invisalign in montreal allow you to maintain a clean mouth and healthy gums and teeth while aligning your teeth. This greatly improves your smile.

4. Saves Time

When you choose Invisalign, you won’t need to frequently visit your dentist’s office because they are supposed to be maintainedevery six weeks on average. The other teeth aligning options need more appointments for maintenance.

5. Safe and Convenient

Does your child participate in sports or music? Then Invisalign allows them to lead their normal lives without the injuries other options can cause. Since Invisalign trays are removable, you can brush your teeth, and eat your favorite foods.

6. Eat anything you want

Food restriction is one of the biggest drawbacks of teeth straightening. You’re restricted to some of your best foods which can really make your life boring. Anything too sticky or hard is off limits! With Invisalign in Montreal, these issues aren’t a problem. You can take the appliances off and eat anything you want!

If you are looking for Invisalign in Montreal, you can contact us for high-quality dentistry services. We have qualified and highly experiened doctors and welcoming staff … Read the rest

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